Reader Appreciation Award

Raani York kindly nominated My Pen and Me for the Reader Appreciation Award.  Raani–Thank you so much for nominating me.  To visit Raani’s most interesting blog, please go to:  Two days later, Pat Garcia at: nominated me for the same award–so very kind of you, Pat.  Thank you, my friend.

The rules for receiving the award are:

Include the award logo in your blog.   Answer the 10 included questions. Nominate blogs you enjoy. Provide links to these blogs and let the bloggers know that they’ve been nominated. Thank and link your nominator.

The ten questions:

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter?

What’s your passion?

What’s your favorite pattern?

Do you prefer giving or getting presents?

What’s your favorite number?

Favorite day of the week?

Favorite flower?

Since I have previously answered these questions in another blog, I will spare you (my readers and friends) the agony of having to re-read my responses and move straight into sharing a few new blogs that I have recently had the pleasure of visiting.  My new nominees are:

Oh yes, since I didn’t answer the questions, I do want to give something back.  Today I discovered a wonderful site that was posted on Google+.  Here is the link:  I hope that many of you enjoy these as much as I did.

A big thank you to all my friends and readers who stop by.  I appreciate you.

With best regards,

Mary Ann Blinkhorn (mypenandme)

beneath a stilled heartbeat

she drives her full life

into a short path

and sits there

contemplating the exhibit

the lines of truths

previously unknown to her

somehow familiar now

birth, solutions, and then precipice

off kilter enlightenment

illusion transfusions

modus operandi revealed

resting beneath a stilled heartbeat


by mary ann blinkhorn