27 thoughts on “snap crackle pop old rice krispies

  1. John says:

    Geesh, they didn’t put near as much sugar on my favorite cereal as I used to!! hehe My how things have changed.

  2. Liz says:

    Great! Now I won’t be able to sleep – this song will pay over and over and over…lol! Thanks for the memories M.A. (This was a bit before my early TV memories mind you, but still very catchy.) Did you see how much sugar they put on that!

    • mypenandme says:

      That was a lot of sugar. I was born in the 1960s so all of my childhood memories involve black and white television–perhaps that’s why I have such a soft spot for contemporary black and white photography. Wishing you a good night. M.A.

  3. such Saturday morning memories !

  4. laurie27wsmith says:

    Memories, I liked Sugar Frosties, with Tony the Tiger. they certainly pushed the sugar.

  5. Clanmother says:

    And I am old enough to remember this one….

  6. Deb says:

    Another oldie but goodie…I remember! 🙂

  7. In childhood these guys were as real as Santa, Mickey Mouse and the rest of the pantheon to a child’s world. I ate them with bananas in my Howdy Duty bowl.

  8. reneeboomer says:

    HI. I have nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2012. Please visit my blog for the rules. Renee 🙂 http://www.positiveboomer.net

  9. Too much fun! I hadn’t thought of this in years. Thanks for sharing.

  10. patgarcia says:

    Fantastic! Do I remember this one. It was one of the reasons I ate the cereal.

  11. Summer says:


    I’ve nominate you for The Blog Of Year Award 2012. You can see it here, http://summer4soul.wordpress.com/2012/12/15/blog-nominations-its-like-giving-a-christmas-present/


    Sweet greetings, Summer

    • mypenandme says:

      Thank you VERY much, Summer. It was very kind of you to think of me, but I have to tell you, I’ve already received my sixth star from reneeboomer. I have been unable to post this because since yesterday, I’ve been unable to copy and paste anything. It may be a WordPress thing, or it may be because my “computer guy” installed Google Chrome. He is in Florida now, so likely, I’ll have to wait until he returns to Toronto on Tuesday. Once again…THANK YOU for your kind gesture! With best regards, mypenandme

  12. Adverts ain’t what they used to be 🙂 Loved this!

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