retro places – for 3WW

when i think of it now

there must have been a lethal hinge between us

offering only a limited angle of rotation and need


stray dog coughs up a dinner bell

a stopped bell

a tarnished bell

turns around and heads home


as time passes

i stand outside

my faithful shadow appearing taller

perhaps it’s the straight posture

the bold song on lips

the cold knots, discarded

the sharpened pencil

in wooden coat

writing and rewriting,

“the mind matters–just as much as the heart”



by mary ann blinkhorn

This week’s words:  hinge, lethal and need



Excellent video by Stephanie Palmer.

Screenwriting from Iowa

“When I was an executive at MGM, I was dying for that next person to come in the door and have a piece of material that I could use or purchase. Finding a quality piece is actually really hard.”
Stephanie Palmer

The past couple of days I’ve been involved in various meetings, emails, and phone calls regarding a video project featuring three former NFL players. Ever since reading Stephanie Palmer’s book Good in a Room back in 2008, there hasn’t been a meeting I’ve attended where I haven’t been aware of her basic principles. What I like about Stephanie’s work is the cohesiveness of her message– “How to sell yourself (and your ideas) and win over any audience.” You won’t be 100% successful, but that’s a good goal.

As the former Director of Creative Affairs for MGM Stephanie not only has film development and production experience, but she’s been featured on The Today…

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