One Lovely Blog Award

I am both delighted and honored to be nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award once again.  Thank you very much to pennycoco at for thinking of mypenandme.  🙂

Rules to follow:

  1. Thank the person who nominated me.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself that others  may not know
  3. Nominate 15 other bloggers.
  4. Notify the nominees
  5. Put the Award Logo on your blog site

7 new things about me:

I’m running out of things to say!

1.  The BBC International Radio Play Competition deadline is July 31st and I have been working very hard over the past two weeks, perfecting my entry.  Once sent, I should be on WordPress a little bit more again.

2.  I’m getting quite the suntan this summer as a result of spending part of my work day, outside.

3.  There is a new puppy in our building.  I can hear him but I haven’t seen him yet.

4.   I’m growing green beans this summer and they’re doing well.

5.  I need to purchase a new vacuum cleaner.

6.  I’m getting new eyeglasses within the next week or so.

7.   I’ve been photographing some more shadows on the wall.  It’s fun.


15 blogs that I have recently enjoyed:

Congratulations to all the nominees.  You all have great blogs!  If I have nominated you and you wish to particpate–that’s wonderful.  If you do not wish to participate, I am still happy to have been able to share a link to your blog with my readers and friends.

Best regards,














36 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. jmmcdowell says:

    Congratulations and good luck with the competition!

  2. Congrats & thank you very much! I have a couple that I have to accept and I plan to sit down later this week and figure out who I’m going to nominate– Thanks again & have a great day!

  3. mj says:

    Congratulations! You deserve the honor!

  4. Mondrak says:

    Yay. Well done. You certainly deserve it as you have a fantastic blog.

  5. Congratulations on your well-deserved award! Enjoy!

  6. P. C. Zick says:

    Congratulations on a well-deserved award.

  7. Congratulations! You are most deserving of the nomination!

  8. EllieAnn says:

    Woohoo! Thanks so much for the shout out! I’m following you right away so I can catch up on your loveliness.

  9. thank you for following me! I’m already following you through my other blogsite – Pure Haiku much love Freya xxxx

  10. Thank you so much for nominating aplaceforpoetry for the Lovely Blog Award. Your blog is also one of my lovely blog nominees – here:

    Getting complicated 🙂 but I really appreciate your writing x

  11. […] other news, mypenandme has KnitterBakerPateaChouxMaker for the One Lovely Blog Award! […]

  12. well deserved I really enjoy your blog!

  13. OMG! It’s so nice! *-*
    Thank you for follow me!
    Your blog is amazing (=

  14. Yeah! Yahoo! Yippee! & Congratulations! Now I’m off to click on your nominee links.

  15. fgassette says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for visiting my blog.


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